Three main advantages of Jatropha plants are that they:-
(1) Can provide an oil supply that is renewable and natural
(2) Are developed through Investment Funds that offer investors astonishing returns, such as 93% Annual return on investment.
(3) Don't threaten normal food production because they grow only in soil unproductive for food crops.
Exploration for new oil reserves continues, but discovery rate is lower than current consumption rate. Experts may disagree about how long existing oil reserves may last, but they do all agree that it is being used faster than it is being found. BP's chairman recently indicated that in his opinion, based on today's extraction rates, there remains only forty-two years supply of crude oil left in the ground.
This paints a bleak picture for the future for nations relying on natural underground oil deposits.The chairman of British Petroleum is quoted as suggesting quite clearly that we are on a fast-track to complete depletion of our natural oil reserves. he gave a time span of well under 50 years at present usage rates. Oil experts across the world differ on the timescale but all agree on one thing:- It's going faster than new reserves can be found.
It's a dire situation, beyond doubt.If we can't uncover more natural deposits of oil than we are using then one thing is inevitable. The oil will run out one day.
While experts do disagree on the time left before 'doomsday', no one disagrees that consumption is far outstripping discovery of new reserves. On the subject of the size of existing reserves, one respected figure, Peter Sutherland of UKs PB group put a time limit of just over forty years on the availability of existing known oil reserves.
A sobering thought indeed.
As if the prospect of running out of oil or at least being dependent upon oil suppliers wasn't a big enough problem, there is also greenhouse gas emissions and global warning posing a threat. Not surprising, then, that there is considerable interest in finding diverse and renewable sources of energy.
That is precisely the opinion of the Indian government, which is years ahead of the rest of the world in developing Jatropha green oil as the renewable energy source of choice. It has committed some 27 million acres to its propagation.
The Jatropha tree has recently emerged from being considered by generations of farmers a nuisance plant only fit for hedging to a valuable oil-bearing plant. The oil is extracted from the crop sometimes twice a year and can be combusted without being refined. After refining it can be used like diesel fuel. The trees grow in tropical and sub-tropical areas, is drought-resistant and thrives on infertile soil.
When crushed and processed, the jatropha plant's seeds produce a sustainable, eco-friendly biofuel that can be used in standard diesel engines without modifications. Within a mere three years, jatropha-based fuel could even be used to power our transatlantic flights, according to Boeing.
A single Jatropha tree can produce around one litre of oil per annum in average conditions i.e. without forced watering - irrigation. Since they are planted at a density of 1000 trees per acre, it follows that one acre can yield 1,000 litres of oil every year. This would be enough to keep a diesel car going for the whole season. Jatropha farming does has characteristics that at first sight may be thought of as disadvantages, but upon closer inspection turn out to be advantageous. These apparent weaknesses in the Jatropha oil model are that the plants only survive in tropical areas and that farming and crop gathering is fairly labour intensive. Now consider the upside of those limitations.
The benefit of this situation is that many farmers in the typical Jatropha plantation areas are living at subsistence level. By providing them with seedling and teaching them to cultivate and tend the crop, they can increase their living standards at a relatively low cost to the investor. The locals become self sufficient without the need for charity or aid.
The private investor, through properly managed investment programmes, could provide these poor counties, quite literally with the 'seed' money they need to grow out of poverty. In return for a modest investment, the investor would see huge returns on his money and have the satisfaction that he is helping third world countries to prosper and also reducing global warming.
If you are interested to investigate what these Jatropha Investment Programmes can offer, then I there is a new company in the United kingdom that can provide information. They offer an annual return of 93% which is quire remarkable. They claim that the they have insured the Fund against risks like Acts of God and civil unrest, so it may be a secure investment.
Jatropha Green Oil Investment's Commercial Director, Patricia Ellis explains, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity with the real potential of delivering an ROI of 345%, which means that an once-off investment of £10,000 would generate £44,500 at the end of a five year investment period. For people experiencing a poor performing pension this is very good news, because they can now enter into a Jatropha Green Oil Investment Programme via a SIPP pension scheme."
If you are type of person who likes to get in on the ground floor then find out more about the Jatropha Green Oil Investment opportunity by:-
Contacting Patricia Ellis in the United kingdom on +44 (0) 845 226 2931
Or Click Here to go to the {a target="_blank" href=""} website.
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Copyrighte Patricia Ellis 2009, All rights Reserved
About the Author
Patricia Ellis from says, "This is a attractive investment opportunity having a potential of returning 345%. For example, a seed investment of £10,000 would compound to £44,500 in a five year investment span."
Contact Patricia Ellis in the U.K on +44 (0) 845 226 2931 or go to the {a target="_blank" href=""} website